A new blog for a new day on a gorgeous April morning on the bay. The rain and the fog disappear as I start my Licence 2 test drive and I hope this will be a metaphor for my learning journey with State Library's Web 2.0 program. At least I'll keep this sunny image in mind as I fight back the initial frustration of just coming up with login names and blog titles that someone somewhere else in the world have not already used. Perhaps this is part of the beauty of the Web, that I realise I'm thinking just like someone somewhere else. Perhaps I'll use that as a starting point for dropping in on other blogs - see what those people who choose my prefered blog names are writing about.
At various times I've become addicted to blogs, usually about gardening, but I've found I'm not good at commitment when it comes to blogs. Is this just part of the blog culture? Perhaps someone can tell me if I need to work on these commitment issues.
There seems to be great potential for blogs in our library, allowing us to customise our services. We can hone in on very specific client interests and allow people access to just the areas of the library that interest them. It could actually cut down on the information overload many experience.